Saturday, August 31, 2019

Sox Research Paper

Running head: Nonprofits and SOX Heather Tanenbaum Student ID: 3750548620 Accounting Capstone: Senior Seminar in Accounting ACC499 004016 Summer 2009 Nonprofits and the Sarbanes Oxley Act Submitted: Submitted to: Tee M. Thein Table of Contents Abstract Introduction SOX regulations for nonprofits Reasons for nonprofits to adopt SOX Conclusion Research file memorandum Communication memorandum References Abstract Introduction The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002 (U.S. House of Representatives 2002) was passed by congress as a result of a wave of accounting scandals and related financial irregularities in corporations such as Enron, WorldCom and Tyco. SOX is called the most significant securities legislation since 1933 and 1934 securities ACT. The Act attempted to make ethics more black and white rather than a gray area. The increased guidelines have changed businesses and business relationships.These new requirements have placed greater demands on directors, audit committees, auditors a nd management. Most, of these provisions where only made towards publicly held companies, similar regulations targeted nonprofit organizations (Panel on the Nonprofit Sector 2005). Two hundred and fifteen nonprofit organizations have voluntarily adopted provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX). Many, nonprofits are currently in the process of adopting SOX.The Panel on the Nonprofit Sector (2005), in its final report to Congress in June 2005, recommends more than 120 actions to be taken by charitable organizations, Congress and the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) to strength nonprofits against, transparency, governance and accountability. The most significant provision of the Act is the requirements in Section 404 the reporting on the effectiveness of internal controls over the financial reporting. PCAOB auditing standard 2 requires that the audit of internal control be integrated with the audit of the financial statements.The PCAOB requirements also only apply to public and private for profit companies, these would be new requirements for nonprofits wishing to adopt to SOX. The requirements of SOX section 404 requirements on internal controls have proven to be quite expensive for public companies (D’Aquila 2004; Pomeroy 2006), further research in to the current state of governance in the nonprofit sector would be beneficial before similar measures are mandated. Nonprofits have several reasons they might be compelled to adopt SOX provisions. First, several states are likely to emulate provisions similar to those of SOX.Some of these new laws incorporate elements of SOX including: expanding whistleblower protection, requiring officers of the organization to sign the corporation’s annual report, appointing an audit committee and increasing penalties against those who commit fraud or impede an investigation of fraud. California passed the Nonprofit Integrity Act in 2004. This Act addresses financial reporting, corporate governance, compensat ion, independence and fund raising (Silk and Fei 2005). New Hampshire requires audited financial statements for nonprofits with revenues greater than one million.Massachusetts, Connecticut and Kansas have similar requirements (Anderson and Kelley 2006). Second, unethical behavior seems as common in the nonprofit organizations as it does in the private sector. Recent scandals in nonprofit organizations such as: The NYSE, Upsala College, United Way and Education & Research Foundation, have had a negative effect on the public trust in their charitable organizations (Gibelman 1997). For nonprofits trust from the public is vital because the majority of their funds come from donors.SOX could result in more positive responses from donors, investors and future board members (Orlikoff and Totten 2004). Finally, some provisions of SOX already apply to nonprofits. Nonprofits must establish whistleblower protection and document destruction policies. Other provisions are inevitable, because of t he large amount of grants nonprofits receive which come with the own regulations and restrictions (BoardSource 2003). The purpose of this paper is to provide a reasonable understanding of how nonprofits have been affected by SOX. SOX regulations for nonprofitsSOX requires that companies have an audit committee that includes independent members and members of the board. SOX also requires the company to disclosure whether one of the internal auditor is a financial expert and whether they are directly responsible for overseeing the external auditors. This is to ensure that the financial statements are understand, that there is proper communication with the external auditors and that there is an understanding of internal controls. In order to enhance standards for nonprofit accountability and financial reporting all nonprofits should have an independent audit committee (BoardSource 2003).Sox requires that nonprofits disclose whether a code of ethics has been adopted for senior financial officers. If they do not have a code of ethics reasons for not having one have to be disclosed. This is to encourage the development of a code of ethics in order to enhance trustworthiness to contributors and other constituents. The whistleblower protection policy applies to nonprofits as well as for profit organizations. This regulation protects whistleblowers from special damages and attorney’s fees. It also, prohibits the employer from punishing the whistleblower in any manner.SOX provides additional protection for whistleblowers by, instating criminal penalties for actions taken against whistleblowers. Nonprofits should develop confidential and anonymous procedures for handling employee complaints. Although the CEO and CFO do not need to sign financial statements they do need to understand them and ensure that they are fairly presented in all materially respects. The responsibility for approving the financial statements ultimately belongs to the board of directors. Secti on 404 of SOX requires companies to include an internal controls report along with their annual report.Their internal control report should state the responsibility of management to establish and maintain an internal control structure and procedures for financial reporting. It should also contain, an assessment at the end of the most recent fiscal year as to the effectiveness of internal controls and the procedures for financial reporting (O’Hare 2002; BoardSource 2003; Walters 2003; Tran 2005). SOX requires auditors of public companies to prepare and maintain audit workpapers and other information related to any report in sufficient detail to support the auditors conclusions, for a period not less than seven years.Failing to do so is a criminal offence subject to fines and up to ten years in prison. Existing standards for audits of nonprofits do not include a mandated audit documentation retention period. Instead, those standards require nonprofits and auditors to retain rec ords long enough to sastify any pertinent legal requirements of record retention. Reasons for nonprofits to adopt SOX Larger organizations with more resources will be more likely to adopt SOX. The public and media are more likely to be harsher on larger nonprofits, which makes them more likely to have stronger governance mechanisms.The board of directors have the ultimate responsibility of overseeing proper financial statement presentation (BoardSource 2003; Walters 2003). Research on the relationship between board size and firm value has had mixed results. Yermack (1996) provides evidence that smaller boards are associated with a higher firm value. In 2008, Coles find that are diversified among industries or have high leverage, are more likely to benefit from a larger board of directors. Corporate governance characteristics, have been shown to be related to the size of the board.Bradbury (1990) finds board size and intercompany ownership to be determinants of voluntary audit commit tees in public companies. In another study shows that larger boards are more likely to create audit committee boards (Beasley, Salterio, 2001). In a NASDAQ over the counter study done by Pincus (1989), he found that managerial ownership, leverage, size of the company, proportion of outside directors to total directors, use of Big 8 auditors and participation in the National Market System are related to voluntary formation of audit committees.As a result as the size of the board of directors of a nonprofit increases, so does the likely hood that they will voluntarily adopt SOX. Nonprofits with independent boards of directors are also more likely to adopt SOX. The main reasons nonprofits would voluntarily adopt SOX would be to increase the trust in the public in order to receive more funds. However some nonprofits, feel that the provisions in SOX burden the nonprofits so much that it is beneficial not to adopt SOX.These nonprofits strongly believe that SOX should not be required for n onprofits for the following reasons: †¢ One, nonprofits are grassroots organizations with small staffs and have boards filled with community- minded people with little or no business and management background. If SOX was required out of these nonprofits, the staff would be overwhelmed, along with the board and it would take away from the nonprofits primary mission. †¢ Two, nonprofits are already held to higher standards by the public then private or government agencies because, if the public doesn’t trust the organization they won’t donate their money.Also, nonprofits receive a large portion of their funds from government grants which are held to strict oversight and laws and regulations. †¢ Three, certain regulations of SOX will increase overhead costs and make the nonprofits look less efficient to contributors. On the other hand, by voluntarily adopting SOX, nonprofits are showing to the public that they are concerned about protecting funds, increasing operating efficiency and effectiveness, also enhancing accountability. Conclusion Research file memorandum Communication memorandum References Anderson, S. , and C. L. Kelley. 2006.Advising nonprofit organizations. The CPA Journal 76 (8): 20-26. Beasley, M. S. , and S. E. Salterio. 2001. The relationship between board characteristics and voluntary improvements in audit committee composition and experience. Contemporary Accounting Research 18 (Winter): 539-570. BoardSource. 2003. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and implications for nonprofit organizations. Available at: http://www. boardsource. org/clintfiles/Sarbarnes-Oxley. pdf. Bradbury, M. E. 1990. The incentives for voluntary audit committee formation. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 9 (1): 19-36. Broude, P.D. 2006. The impact of Sarbanes-Oxley on private & nonprofit companies. Foley and Lardner, LLP. Available at: http://www. foley. com/publications/pub_detail. aspx? puibid=3511. Coles, J. L. , D. D. Naveen, and L. Naveen. 2008 . Boards: Does one size fit all? Journal of Financial Economics 87 (2): 329-356 D’Aquila, J. M. 2004. Tallying the cost of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The CPA Journal 74 (11): 6-9. Gibelman, M. , S. Gelman, and D. Pollack. 1997. The credibility of nonprofit boards: A view from the 1990s and beyond. Administration in Social Work 21 (2): 21-39. Grant Thornton LLP. 2006.Grant Thornton National Board governance survey for not-for-profit organizations. Available at: http://www. granthornton. com/staticfiles/GTCom/files/Industries/NotForProfit/nfp_board1. pdf. GuideStar. 2005. Nonprofits, Sarbanes-Oxley, and the states. Available at: http://www. guidestar. org/DisplayArticle. do? articleId=779. Hempel, J. , and A. Borrus. 2004. Now the nonprofits need cleaning up; Cozy boardrooms at colleges and charities face increasing government scrutiny. BusinessWeek (June 21): 107. Hymowitz, C. 2005. The Sarbanes-Oxley era, running a nonprofit is only getting harder.Wall Street Journal (June 21): B1. O’Hare, P. 2002. Sarbanes-Oxley raises red flag for not-for-profits. Healthcare Financial Management 56 (10): 42-44. O’Regan, K. , and S. M. Oster. 2005. Does the structure and composition of the board matter? The case of nonprofit organizations. Journal of Law Economics and Organization 21 (1): 205-227. Orlikoff, J. , and M. Totten. 2004. Applying for-profit governance reforms. Healthcare Executive 19 (3): 52. Panel in the Nonprofit Sector. 2005. Strengthening transparency, governance and accountability of charitable organizations. Available at:

Friday, August 30, 2019

How did Transportation Change During the Industrial Revolution

How did Transportation Change During the Industrial Revolution? The universe had gone through two industrial revolutions. The first revolution began in the 1700s. And the 2nd revolution happened in the 1860s. Both of the revolutions were the most of import periods in the history of human society because they influenced about every facet of life and particularly brought the universe wholly new sorts of transits. Steam engine, waterway, route, and railway experienced chiefly betterment during the first revolution, and the 2nd revolution brought the innovations of car and aeroplane ; both they played an indispensable function in the development of transit in history. The steam engine was one of the most critical constituents that had been invented during the first industrial revolution. It contributed a batch to the betterment of transit. Thomas Newcomen was the first individual who invented the steam engine. However, the usage of the steam engine was expensive and non efficient. ( World History text edition ) Until 1765, James Watt, one of the greatest subscribers to transit, reformed the steam engine to be more efficient and consume less fuel by adding a separate capacitor to Newcomen’s engine. Watt’s betterment had saved about 75 per centum of the fuel that had antecedently been used by the engine. ( Kendra Bolon ) After the betterment, the steam engine had been used loosely on the other transits, such as steam ship and steam engine. The steam engine non merely improved the manner of transporting, but besides the quality of life. For illustration, people could go by taking locomotor and steam ship. Furthermore, they could bask th e life by watching the landscape during the trip. Therefore, the steam engine was the most unbelievable transit in the universe. Roadss, canals, and railroads were three major constituents of transit improved during the first industrial revolution. Peoples used the roads as the basic manner to transport the goods from one topographic point to another. Roadss were in really bad fix before the first revolution, and it were non efficient for people to transport goods. ( World History text edition ) John MacAdam, Thomas Telford, and John Metcalfe all developed the new roads building techniques. Thomas Telford made new foundations in roads with big level rocks. John MacAdam equipped roadbeds with a bed of big rocks ; hence, people could transport goods on a showery twenty-four hours. Canal was another critical portion of transits, which allowed goods to be transported through a series of semisynthetic waterways. Transporting goods by canal lowered the hazards of besotted merchandises during path. Furthermore, a canal flatboat could transport more merchandises than the other signifiers of transit during that clip. C anal besides cost less money for transporting ware. For the ground of transporting heavy goods from topographic point to topographic point, the betterment of railroad began in 1800, which made a great spring in transporting engineering in human history. The improved steam engine led the running locomotor with decently powered technique of turn overing. The betterment of railroads allowed the towns and metropoliss to turn quickly. In the mid-18Thursday, Abraham Darby made a plate manner of dramatis personae Fe on top of tracks that allowed the furnaces working and able to raise the Fe home base. In 1789, William Jessop developed an â€Å"L† shaped rail which held the waggon on the path. Goods could be transferred within a short sum of clip, which helped to further the agricultural and fishing industries. The engine was capable of transporting ternary sum of goods compared to the horse-pulled waggons. ( Mrs. Abiah Darby ) The betterment of route, canal, and railway changed the manner of transporting, the sum and distance of transporting goods increased significantly and affected how people lived consequently. The car and aeroplane were the two most unbelievable signifiers of transits that were been invented during the 2nd industrial revolution in the 1860s. Car was important signifier of transit since it affected the whole universe. The car was foremost invented by Karl Benz in 1886. Later on, in 1908, Henry Ford made the car low-cost for people by presenting the assembly line. ( World History text edition ) Automobile enabled people to travel anyplace they wanted to at any clip. It’s the most convenient tool for people to travel. As for the other of import innovation, aeroplane, was built in 1903 by Wilbur and Orville Wright. ( World History text edition ) Around 400 BC, Archytas was reputed as the first individual designed and built the first automotive winging device. While the Wright brothers made the first successful attempt to transport a adult male rose by aeroplane. The first aeroplane flew of course at even velocity, and descended without harm. Although the flight lasted merely 59 seconds, it marked an of import start of the aircraft industry. The visual aspect of car changed the whole universe wholly in that it provided a convenient and low-cost manner to transport and travel for people. The creative activity of aeroplane broadens the range and distance of the transit, which may transports riders and goods across continents and land. These two innovations both brought important influence to people. In decision, during the first and 2nd industrial revolutions, transit had gone through dramatic alteration and betterment. It non merely brought effectual and efficient manner of transporting, but besides influenced and shaped people’s life, about every facet in people’s day-to-day life. With the progress of engineering, transit progressed. The steam engine led to the application of locomotor and steamboat, which increased transporting capacity and therefore facilitated more production machines for fabrication in other industries. Trade enlargement was fostered by the debut of canals, improved roads and railroads. The innovation of car grounded the basic manner of transit for people while the aeroplane provided a faster manner from topographic point to topographic point. The first and 2nd industrial revolution marked a turning point in human history, and transit played a critical function impacting people’s life socially and economically. Bibliography: Bolon, Kendra.The Steam Engine. N.p. : Kendra Bolon, 2001. N. pag. hypertext transfer protocol: // . Web. Bustamante, Crystal. Transportation during the Industrial Revolution. N.p. : Crystal Bustamante, 2009. N. pag. Web. 26 Jan. 2009. Bulter, Scott, Keats, Thedawnbringer, Hedleygb, and Peter. How has conveyance changed since the Industrial Revolution? N.p. : n.p. , n.d. N. pag. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. Industrial revolution research. N.p. : HTML5 UP, n.d. N. pag. Web.v Mack, Pamela E. Transportation. N.p. : n.p. , 2002. N. pag. Web. 27 Sept. 2002. Roadss, Canals and Railways – the Transport revolution. N.p. : n.p. , UK. N. pag. Web. 2013. The Industrial Revolution: 1750-1900. N.p. : n.p. , n.d. N. pag.KCCIS. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. Transportation. N.p. : n.p. , n.d. N. pag. Web. 22 Nov. 2013.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Analysis of “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan: DRAFT Essay

Mother Tongue is about the authors struggles with her linguistic identity, her mothers â€Å"fractured† or â€Å"broken† variation of english and the relationship with her mother. At the beginning of the piece we are told about the different types of english she would speak with her mother and with everyone else; we are then told how english wasn’t Amy’s strongest subject and later on we are told about the difficulties her mother experienced because of the way she spoke english and the prejudice she faced. In the text Tan uses a variety of stylistic devices to express herself, tans use of parallel structures is used frequently throughout the piece, for example she starts the first paragraph with the phrase â€Å"i am not a scholar of english† and the second with â€Å"i am a writer†; this contrast implies to the audience that you don’t have to know everything about english to be a writer. She also uses personification in the second paragraph when she says † language is the tool of my trade†. This might suggest that the use of language through writing is the way she expresses herself or gets her point across. She then goes onto saying † And i use them all- all the Englishes i grew up with† and in the next paragraph she says â€Å"Recently, i was made keenly aware of the different Englishes i do use.† She uses repetition in this instance to emphasize how, in her opinion, there is no right way or one way of speaking english there are different variations, in this instance the English with her mother is very different from how she speaks english to her teachers or classmates, this can refer back to the title of the text â€Å"mother tongue†. Mother tongue is usually reffered to the first language a person is taught, however i think Tans use of the word mother tongue is much more intimate in a sense that she feels that her english or her mother tongue is unique to her, and that the variation of english she speaks to her mother is her mother tongue. Moreover she also uses repition when she uses the words â€Å"broken†, â€Å"fractured† and â€Å"limited† as it is shown numerous times throughout the text, these words suggest what other people may view of her mothers english, however Tans use of an antithesis when she uses the phrase â€Å"impeccable broken english† really grasps the readers attention, as the concept of something being broken but yet impeccable is very strange. This phrase may imply that although Tans mothers english might be â€Å"limited†, but  in her opinion it does not strike her as being wrong as so many would think; she clearly states this when she says â€Å"Some say they understand none of it, as if she were speaking pure Chinese. But to me, my mothers English is perfectly clear, perfectly natural†. Moreover She uses personification again to emphasize the variation of English she speaks when she says â€Å"the intersection of memory upon imagination†. Towards the fifth paragraph Amy uses many anecdotes or personal experiences to give the audience a bit more of an insight with the troubles she faced when she was younger with her mother and the prejudice she faced. Furthermore Amys use of dialogue throughout the text lets the audience experience her mother tongue. I think that the main purpose of this article is to show people that there is no right type of english, and that english comes in many forms therefore there should be no prejudice. She shows this by putting emphasis on the word â€Å"English† and â€Å"Englishes† throughout the text. Tan implies that many people have very narrow minded and misconceived views of people from a different culture or language background, she uses the example of her personal experience and mother to show this, for example people would take her mother seriously due to her â€Å"broken† english, as it suggests that her mother might be uneducated. However Tan also mentions how her mother â€Å"reads the Forbes repot, listens to Wall Street Week, converses daily with her stockbroker and reads all of Shirley MacLaine books with ease- all kind of things i can’t begin to understand†, most of the audience might be quite surprised with this, as it seems very unusual for a women fr om China and who has â€Å"watered-down† english to understand things of such complexity. This in itself proves Tans point of society’s misconception and generalisation of people with different language backgrounds. In this text we notice that Tan uses very simple and easy to read english, however at the same time we are able to understand the complexity of her argument. The last paragraph emphasis how Tan is more concerned about her audience rather than the approval of critics and she doesn’t need to write like a professor to get her point across. Moreover throughout the text has a pattern of using a personal experience then expanding on it.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Find your own topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Find your own topic - Essay Example This law protects the interest of businessman, government, society and all the stake holder to that interest. This law is procured by the congress to regulate certain interstate commerce. All the statutes put in the codified form in the United States Code. Also many statutes give the power to executive branch agencies to create regulation which generally published into federal register and codified into Code of federal regulations. Under the Chevron doctrine regulations carry the force of law. Under the principle of stare decisis many lawsuit turn into meaning of a federal statue or regulation. Legal force been carried out on judicial interpretation of such meaning. In federal constitution like the military, money, foreign affairs (especially international matters), tariffs, intellectual property (generally copyrights and patents), mail there were an express grant of power to the federal government, this was specially focused during 18th and 19th century. After the start of 20th cent ury broad interpretation of commerce and spending clauses applied on various sectors like aviation, telecommunications, railroads, pharmaceuticals, antitrust and trademarks. Certain areas like railroads, aviation federal government has developed some comprehensive schemes that interpret virtually all kind of state law, but in case of family law relatively small number of people interacts with large amount of state law in interstate and international situation. For employment law, trademark and antitrust case both federal and state law coexist. But for some areas like insurance congress refused to enact any laws as those areas are covered by state laws. II. LEGISLATION. Federal regulation are created by the method called rule making. Public consult is necessary for creation, modification or if deleting is necessary for any rules from the Federal Regulation Code for federal agencies. Code of Federal Regulation is a yearly publication where complete list of the Regulations of Federal A gencies available. When a regulation needs to be add, change or delete then the consecutive agency should published a propose rule in the Federal Register for the public opinion. After an agency verified the public opinions and changes been implemented then that agency can publish the new rules of federal register and mention the dates from when law should be effective and enforceable. But after final rule of comment agency should always response and describe to any public queries. On the other hand state laws are different types, it only applicable to the people who lives in the state. Here state legislatures create a bill and pass it to governor for sign it, and when governor sign it transform into a law. Again there are state court who can reject the law if they do not agree with the state’s constitution. The Law Library of Congress having a library guide for each and every state which helps public to find different state’s individual laws and regulations. III. RATI ONALE. Congress has the power to regulate interstate and international commerce. That is why they had to prevent any deceptive or fraudulent action been taken by one to achieve economic advantage in a particular market over others. This is a reasonable approach from congress to undermine the free-market economy of the United States. Business has a direct impact on society and cultural values. Every business in any given market has the equal right to develop a unique product or service

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Alzheimer's - Current research and treatments Paper

Alzheimer's - Current and treatments - Research Paper Example Beta amyloid protein damage cells by converting oxygen into hydrogen peroxide ‘bleach’ that corrode brain cells, interfere with message relays in the brain and signaling the cell to self-destruction (Patterson et al 120). In accordance to Patterson, Feightner and Garcia, there is a transition from epidemiologic observation to rigorous clinic test trials on Alzheimer’s patients which is crucial in understanding the most beneficial treatments amyloid Hypothesis is undergoing analysts alongside many trails aimed at reducing amyloid and plague which are completes and are in testing phases. Ways researched and documented are; anti aggregation agents, immunotherapeutic trials and modulation of secretases used in beta amyloid production. The major therapies of hyper-phosphorylated tau and novel targets are under research these therapies target the enhancement of serotonin receptor, factors of nerve growth, mitochondrial function enhancement, and advanced gyration product s receptor. Boothby and Doering articulate that Current scientific research and the treatment of Alzheimer’s ‘covers four core areas. First is to increase efficiencies of damaged nerves, donepezil hydrochloride and memantine hydrochloride drugs are used. They foster the cell efficiencies though their effect is short lived. Secondly, is inhibiting manufacture of beta amyloid proteins. Current experiments are performed to determine a molecule that prevents the process of the parent beta amyloid protein (Patterson et al, 120). This is aimed at reducing the production of these proteins. Subsequently a lots of research work concentrates on ways of inhibiting beta amyloid build up within cells. Patterson, Feightner, and Garcia Scientists theorize that the beta amyloid become toxic with each build-up, thus if broken down at an earlier stage, they become less toxic. Lastly, clinical studies are aiming at shielding nerve cells form hydrogen peroxide effects. Use of vitamin E as a shield shows little but impacting improvement in a group of Alzheimer’s patients. A range of antioxidants is being tested in research labs to determine if they can protect the cells. Though minerals such as copper iron and zinc metals are essential for brain functions, there is continued research on ways to prevent the minerals interacting with brain cells. Though treatments may be available, it is paramount to see that the disease risk factors are discovered and prevented. Such risk factors are cholesterol, high blood pressure, Diabetes, gender hormones, brain activity, physical activity and antioxidants and nutrition. Research shows that cholesterol increases the blood pressure hence aggravating the risk of blood pressure. Statin drugs are used to lower blood cholesterol though clinical studies depict them as ineffective if used over a long period. Alternative research studies have shown that amino acid homocsyteine increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s. Mean while, High blood pressure has a link between stroke and Alzheimer’s disease. High blood pressure damages blood vessels hence reducing the brain oxygen supply (Neugroschl and Sano 129). The Resultant 'oxidative stress' speeds up the production of amyloid protein. Subsequently, Diabetes is majorly associated with different type of dementia i.e. Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia. Both Diabetes and Alzheimer’s manifest similar characteristics in the elderly, that is deposits of amyloid protein in brain and pancreas. Women possess

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Leadership - Essay Example The study will discuss different aspects of an effective leader. The study will cover three areas, such as role of a leader, different leadership styles, and impact of leadership style on the organizational culture and employee motivation. The Role of a Leader Effective leadership style is important for an organization or a group of several individuals to perform effectively. Role and Responsibility of a Leader The major responsibility of a leader is to organize entire team and motivate them to attain the goals and objectives. Development of attainable goals and objectives are also key responsibilities of a leader. A good leader generally shares several information and effectual experience with the sub-ordinates to accomplish a common task. Sharing experience or knowledge actually influences entire team to give full effort. One of the major responsibilities of a great leader is to implement both top-down and bottom-up approach in order to enhance organizational communication process (Daft, 2008, p.44). Knowledge and Skills Required for a Good Leader An individual cannot be called as an effective leader without effective leadership knowledge and skills. A leader has total authority to manage entire team and develop potential strategies, decisions and goals so that a team can effectively achieve those. Knowledge and skills generally differ from each other. A leader has to have some key skills, such as effective communication skills, speaking power, listening skills, memory skills and skills to motivate entire team. An individual cannot become a leader and lead a team without having these fundamental skills. In terms of knowledge, a good leader has to obtain time management knowledge. It is true that the entire member within a team cannot have similar competencies and views. Therefore, there are some possibilities of conflict of ideas and conflict of skills between the team members (Walker, 2011, p.259). A leader generally has to deal with a diverse team in a spec ific workforce. Knowledge about workplace diversity, team direction, inspiring initiatives and self-motivation process of a leader can help an organization to become successful. Role of a Leader differs from Role of a Manager The major role of a leader is to develop effective attainable and perceived goals and objectives. On the other hand, role of a manager is to administrate entire team to ensure effective workplace performance and good business output. It is true that a leader always can become an effective manager due to effective leadership skills. Generally leadership skills direct the managerial skills. But, a manager cannot become an effective leader due to lack of leadership skills and visionary power. It is quite challenging for a leader to develop goals and direct an entire team towards success. But, it is quite easy for a manager to assist and administrate a team based on the showed path of a leader to accomplish developed tasks or goals or objectives. Development and Co mmunication of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Criminal Law Writing Task Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Criminal Law Writing Task - Essay Example ly concerned with crimes that are committed against public authority and it often goes against the interests of the public at large the reason why the state would need to persecute such perpetrators of criminal offences. Many countries do have statutory regulations that allow the courts to try and sentence criminals upon conviction. In this regard, theft or property, felony as well as treason for instance fall under criminal law as well as other cases that endanger human life and the state as a whole. It can be noted that in every nation, the criminal law is specifically designed to deter the criminals from committing crimes that disrupt public order and security. A critical analysis of the case study shows that John violates the public interest in mainly two ways that can be categorised as criminal activities. Driving without a valid licence is a criminal offence as it endangers the lives of the general public and he deliberately steals from unsuspecting people. In many countries if not all, theft is classified as a criminal law. Theft can be loosely referred to as taking without permission or stealing other people’s property. Theft comes in many different forms that include fraud, larceny, and embezzlement among other different forms. This essay seeks to critically analyse some of the offences committed by John and their magnitude to warranty arrest and ultimately sentencing upon conviction. First and fore most, John fraudulently obtains his public service vehicle (PSV) licence after he failed the test. Fraud is a criminal case by any standard especially with the intent of misrepresenting yourself to gain unfair advantage of getting a job without proper requirements. Obtaining a fake licence by hook and crook is pure violation of the law which can not be taken lightly under whatever circumstance. Having failed the test, he decides to proceed and obtain a fake driver’s licence with full knowledge of the likely consequences hence it can be said that he is

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Chemicals and Nanotechnology in Water Purification Essay

Chemicals and Nanotechnology in Water Purification - Essay Example As a result, various industries and other interest groups have hugely invested in nanotechnology researchers as this technology is predicted to be a better alternative to the existing chemical treatments. One of the major issues is that the world has been facing severe water pollution and paucity issues over the last two decades. The existing chemical treatments for water purification have been outdated due to their complexity and higher cost. This paper identifies that nanotechnology is a better alternative to the existing chemical treatments as this technology is more cost efficient and eco-friendly. Contents Abstract Introduction 1 1. Chemical treatments for water purification 2 1.1 Advantages 2 1.2 Disadvantages 3 2. Nanotechnology for water purification 5 2.1 Advantages 6 2.2 Disadvantages 8 3. Discussion 8 Conclusion 10 Reference 11 Introduction Freshwater is essential for human survival and it is a crucial component in many key industries such as electronics, pharmaceuticals, and food. The world is facing potential challenges in meeting the mounting demands of freshwater due to population growth, extended droughts, increased consumption, environmental pollution, and stringent health-based regulations. Hence, in order to meet the growing freshwater needs of a huge global population, new methods of water purification have to be invented. Traditionally, industries have been using a variety of chemical treatments to purify water. Recently, nanotechnology has emerged as an alternative to the traditional way of water purification. To define, â€Å"nanotechnology is the systematic manipulation, production or alteration of structures, systems, materials, or components in the range of atomic or molecular dimensions with/into nanoscale dimensions between 1 nm and 100 nm† (Sepeur 2008, p.14). In addition to water purification, the nanotechnology has a wide variety of applications. Major applications of nanotechnology include diagnostics, drug delivery, cryon ics, reduction of energy consumption, efficient energy production, nuclear accident cleanup, information and communication applications, aerospace technologies, construction, foods, household, optics agriculture, and sports. While evaluating the nanotechnology developments to date, it seems that this technology will be widely used for water purification in the near future as this method has numerous competitive advantages over traditional chemical treatments.This paper will critically compare the efficiency of chemical methods and nanotechnology in water purification with specific reference to advantages and disadvantages of both the techniques. This paper will also explore the future scope of nanotechnology in water purification. 1. Chemical treatments for water purification Various industries have been using different methods with different degrees of effectiveness to purify water. Main chemical treatments for water purification are coagulation and flocculation, sedimentation, slu dge storage and removal, dissolved air flotation, filtration, and disinfection.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Any topic about electric.(BLACK HOLE ,ELECTRIC FIELD,circuit,) Assignment

Any topic about electric.(BLACK HOLE ,ELECTRIC FIELD,circuit,) - Assignment Example As that invisible black place pulls everything, it led to the formation of the name black hole. Powerful telescopes with specialized tools, stationed in both earth and space, can only detect these black holes. Despite exhibiting dangerous properties, black holes do not cause any major threat to earth and its people. Black holes are formed when star undergoes destruction, although not all stars destroy themselves. â€Å"While most stars end up as white dwarfs or neutron stars, black holes are the last evolutionary stage in the lifetimes of enormous stars that had been at least 10 or 15 times as massive as our own sun† [1]. The fact is that because of the massiveness of these stars and the resultant presence of vast gas in it, intense gravitational field normally builds up and tries to collapse the star. In a way, it can be said that increased fusion reactions that happens in the star’s core would be like a giant fusion bomb which can explode the star. Then when the star eventually dies, the above-mentioned nuclear fusion reactions stops as the fuel needed for these reactions burns up. However, at the same time, the intense gravitation of the star pulls the materials inwards and in the process compresses the core. Then, â€Å"as the core compresses, it heats up and eventually creat es a supernova explosion in which the material and radiation blasts out into space† [2]. After the blast, the remaining thing is the extremely compressed and exceedingly massive core, whose gravity is so intense that no material including light can escape from it. Then, as there is no force to control this intense gravity, an about-to-be formed black hole shrinks further to attain zero volume, after which the black hole becomes infinitely dense. As mentioned above, even the light that is generated from the collapsing star is unable to get out of it because of its intense gravitational pull. As the stars own light is trapped within its orbit, it makes the specific location invisible and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Consequentialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Consequentialism - Essay Example Having to make decisions based on the general welfare of people or its capacity to bring about positive change is justifiable under all circumstances. Consequentialism has been accepted by many realists, who understand that some actions, even if considered wrong with regard to moral rules, may have positive outcomes, benefitting a large number of people, which then justifies the act. The argument presented is to validate the superiority of Consequentialism over other ethical theories in practice. It is important to defend the ethical theory of Consequentialism which can be the key to maintaining stability in the society, without forcing upon them a set of rules to accept as moral standards, giving them more realistic options, and allowing them to decide upon the moral implications of their actions based on its outcome. It requires to be accepted as a moral theory and not an incessant practical casuistry as alleged by opponents of Consequentialism. Standard rules that define moral values are not practically feasible, as many decision making situations may be indefinable in terms of morality. Standard Consequentialism is a theory of decision. It attempts to identify, from a given set of options, the option which is right that an agent should take. The right option to any decision is the option that maximizes probable value or that which will have the best probable consequences, which directly aims at common welfare, which should be the underlying goal of an ethical theory such as in Consequentialism. The function which determines what is the right decision is also the function which ought to be applied in decision-making: it serves at once to evaluate options, and to select them. (Pettit) Consequentialism promotes a more realistic and futuristic approach to define moral standards, implying that, a certain act may be justified by its

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Advertising for the Uk Alcoholic Beverages Sector Essay Example for Free

Advertising for the Uk Alcoholic Beverages Sector Essay e Center Im Researching Saved Recents Uploads My Answers Account Products Home Essays Drive Answers Texty About Company Legal Site Map Contact Us Advertise  ©2017 HOME ESSAYS ADVERTISING FOR THE UK Advertising for the Uk Alcoholic Beverages Sector Alcohol, Alcoholic beverage, Drinking culture Mar 2, 2013 1163Words 94Views PAGE 1 OF 4 Essay Title: Advertising for the UK alcoholic beverages sector has gained far stricter guidelines and regulations over the last few decades. Do you agree that the advertising of alcohol should be restricted to such an extent and how far do you believe any governments should be able to control advertising? Introduction In responses to a mass of alcoholic advertisement appears to catering to adults and youth, governments have paid more attention on this, for example, the Government has pledged to introduce a comprehensive alcohol harm-reduction strategy in 2004, which is likely to place restrictions on drinking advertisement which encourage binge drinking among youth. See more: Ethnic groups and racism essay Does all restrictions or guidelines published by governments like this that playing a part in controlling advertising? This essay will mainly concentrate on why such alcoholic advertisements should be restricted; and to what extent should any governments be able to control advertising. Generally, people drinking because they are happy or not, maybe because they get a raise in their salary, or get a rough patch at work, or just enjoy a night out at pub and so on. Mintels exclusive research confirms that the majority of adults, three quarters in the 2003 survey, believe that there is nothing wrong with drinking in moderation, and far more people drink occasionally-and mostly at home-than do so on a regular basis outside the home(Clark, 2003). As for the youth drinking alcohol, most of them just out of curiosity, or bear heavy burden from not only the economy but also the psychology like experiencing a disappointed love affair. In addition, alcoholic advertisement is found to be fancy and attractive for young people, which leave the impression of fun, or cool if they were drinking. According to health expert saying, since ancient times, drinking alcohol in moderation can be beneficial for our health, especially for red wine or beer, drinking a little per day is very good for preventing cardiovascular disease(Locke, 2011). But how about drinking too much? It may become easy for you to become emotional and suffer greatly from more other diseases, like chronic gastritis, alcoholism. Moreover,statistics show that alcohol-related admissions to hospital in England have topped 1m in a year for the first time. In other areas, up to 70% cases sent to the hospital were related to alcohol, and violence, accident and health issues that relating to alcohol are thought to cause thirty thousand premature deaths a year. Meanwhile, prescriptions for treating alcohol abuse have also risen(Meikle). Therefore, drinking too much is harmful for people both in physically and mentally. So how do people know about alcohol, from which channel? Absolutely, media is the main place for alcohol industry spending their money, it is the main channel for people get new information about alcohol, and it is believe that exposure to alcoholic advertisement can increase consumption and influence peoples attitudes towards alcohol especially for young people as they have not formed the correct understanding of it. In order to prevent the large amount of alcoholic advertising appears on media, over the last few decades, governments have set far stricter guidelines and regulations, in spite of this, the following table will disclose another side. Figure1: main alcoholic advertising expenditure on media, 1998-2003* | |? m |Sales ? m | |1998 |219. 7 |28,301 | |1999 |247. 3 |29,808 | |2000 |228. 6 |31,327 | |2001 |210. 2 |32,637 | |2002 |233. 7 |33,942 | |2003* |114. 7 |34,870** | *January to August **estimate Source: Nielsen Media research/Mintel The figure1 shows the advertising expenditure on alcohol, which discovers that during the 1998-2003, although the cost dropped almost half, the percentage of sales did not change a lot, conversely, it roses every year. According to an Kusserow(2001), who works on alcohol controlling revealed that regulations and standards placed on advertising control are almost invalid. Procedures are hard to follow through each department, the viability and effectiveness of huge criteria still have to be established. So Britain wants to balance of economy and health, the duty is not just the governments, and only depending on the polices of government is not far enough, alcoholic and other related-sectors should be self-regulated. On one hand, it is necessary for government to set out a series of limitations on advertising of alcoholic drinks, such as limiting the timing of advertisements on television, ads can be only allowed to display after 10:00pm, trying to avoid youth from it. Meanwhile, prohibiting the liquor company being the sponsor in sport, as Professor Gilmore(2007) said that the limitations should include alcohol sponsorship in sport as the alcohol was being advertised 24 hours a day. Besides,the contents of advertisement should be restricted, images like violence and potential crime should be forbidden as it is easy for young people doing the same things that shows on television. On the other hand, because of the boundedness of governments control, both public and private sectors have responsibilities to help to set out limitations to restrict its promotion and sales through ads. For examples, clubs and music pubs should abolish the unlimited drinking for a certain time only with the fixed money, people who are too young should not be permitted into this occasion. Besides, the price should be increased to reduce the alcohol consumption. In addition, manufacturer should develop a new production line, as an alternative to replace alcohol. Conclusion Now, alcohol has abounded in UKs society, being consumed by both adults and youth, which forms an unbalanced condition between economy and health. The mass advertising appears on television or networks or other channels is the main selling way. Naturally, to control alcoholic advertising is becoming more and more important in UK. But obviously, the actual effects that caused by governments policy is not big, so alcohol-related sector should play an increasing important part in controlling alcoholic advertising, then it must be more powerful and effectiveness. References Brown, K. (2007) National Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy [WWW] Institute of Alcohol Studies. Available from: http://www. ias. org. uk/resources/nighttime/policy/nahr. html [Accessed 25/08/12] Clark, T. (2003) Drinks market: UK, 2003. [WWW] Mintel Group Ltd. Available from: http://www. mintel. com/drinksmarket [Accessed 18/08/12] Department of HealthHuman Services(2001) Youth and Alcohol. USA: Department of HealthHuman Services. Gilmore, I. (2007) Britains top doctor calls for total ban on alcohol advertising [WWW] Institute of Alcohol Studies. Available from:http://www. ias. org. uk/resources/publications/alcoholalert/alert200701/al200701_p10. html [Accessed 27/08/12] Grube, J. (1971) Main alcoholic advertising expenditure on media [Diagram]. In: Clark, T. (2003). Drinks market: UK. London: Mintel Group Ltd. Locke, T. (2011) Moderate alcohol drinking offers heart disease protection [WWW] Heart disease health centre. Available from:http://www. webmd. boots. com/heart-disease/news/20110222/moderate-alcohol-drinking-offers-heart-disease-protection [Accessed 20/08/12] Meikle, J. (2011) Alcohol-related hospital admissions at record high. Guardian, 26th May, p,1.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Physics in Sports Essay Example for Free

Physics in Sports Essay Everything from kicking a ball into a goal to running from one side to the other side of the field is based on physics. Physics plays a key role in sports; it can impact on a player either positively or even negatively. Gravity, friction, motion and projectile affects sport in every aspect. How physics affects Sports No matter how hard or high you kick a ball as a result of gravity it will be pulled back down to earth. Although the rate at which it descends may vary on its mass and surface area, it will still have to come down. If thrown at any other angle than 90iit will have a parabolic path (trajectory). Also air resistance and friction will reduce the rate at which the ball moves. The law of conservation of energy also plays a major role in sports. In football if you kick a ball you are transferring kinetic energy from your foot to the ball. From the pendulum balls by the side you can see how energy transfer works. If you lift the ball at left then energy will be passed on to the neighbouring ball and as a result the ball at the end will move the same distance from which it was released on the other side. Similarly in this diagram the character kicks the ball transferring kinetic energy from his foot to the ball. The ball moves and rises and therefore the kinetic energy will be converted into gravitational potential energy. Speed is another factor that is based on physics. In any sports using the force applied, time and the mass you can work out the final/initial velocity assuming that initial/final velocity is zero. Alternatively you can work out speed if you are given the time taken and distance it travels. How technological development has made the data collected more valid and reliable than with traditional methods of studying mechanics. Technology has developed at a staggering rate over the recent years. This allowed us to measure data much more accurately, as humans can make errors in timing due to reaction time both at start and end. Also the development of light gates allowed us to measure speed, time and acceleration. This can then be plotted on a graph and the graph can drawn/ edited in real time (as the measurements are taken the graph can be plotted and the line of best fit can be changed). Experiment for measuring Speed You can measure speed using a simple tennis ball. Set a straight horizontal track and makes sure it is straight. Measure the length of the track. You will need a timer to time the experiment. Roll the tennis ball through the measured distance and time it. Then use V=S/T (Velocity=Displacement/Time) to find out Speed at which it was travelling. Alternatively the velocity can be measure by setting a light gate near the end of the track and connecting it to a Data logger, and this will display the data on the screen, so that it is easier for you to read. You have to set up the data logger so that it measures speed also you have to choose the diameter of the ball which will pass through the light gate. Sources: Edexcel AS Physics Ann Fullick, Patrick Fullick, Miles Hudson, Sue Howarth Pearson (2008) page 46 47 http://www. soccerballworld. com/Physics. htm Physics World magazine, June 1998 pg 25-27. http://physics-of-sport. net/basketball. html http://www. serioussoccer. net/Documents/PhysicsofSoccer. pdf.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Evolution Vs Creationism Debate

Evolution Vs Creationism Debate The question of our origin is probably one of the oldest and most controversial issues in the entire history of science. Is man only a written creation greater than in many religious texts, or is man merely another creature that has developed from nature? One of the main themes for this dilemma is the limitation that exists in our universe to be in a position either to measure one of these theories because of insufficient skills or to validate them. Discussion Scientists have proven in thousands of ways and even convinced the Supreme Court of the United States in 1986 to oppose the teaching of the Bible in the word of science. Not everyone knows that Charles Darwin was meant to be a priest, when he began his studies at Cambridge. The Church of England honored him by burying him near the church of Westminster Abby near Isaac Newton. Many scientists held strong religious beliefs, but they called the Genesis creation story as did Newton in 1681 to Thomas Barnett: As to Moses he described realities in a language artificially adapted to ye sense of ye vulgar. Where natural causes are at hand God uses them as instruments in his works, but I do not think them sufficient for ye creation (Von Sydow, pp. 141-156) Many religions find logic in the premise that science should only explain the limitations of natural laws of creation that God might have to use. Divine intervention cannot be used to explain many scientific theories, including evolution, biology, and physics, although many religions try to use it to justify the inconsistencies between science and religion. Proponents of creationism tend to distort science to make their case, and it is not uncommon to find that they distort even their own beliefs in the process. However, opponents do not all necessarily suggest atheism in evolution either. Many tend to give more flexibility to God in the tools that he used to create as well as the timeline. Scientists have convinced the Supreme Court of the United States in 1986 to oppose the teaching of the Bible as science. In the first trial many religious groups sued the state of Arkansas to ban the theory of scientific creationism because this provision allows the penetration of specific religious doctrines into schools. (Ospovat, pp. 243-6) Judge William Overton wrote in 1982 that this is clearly an effort to introduce the biblical version of creation into the curriculum of the schools. Evidence to establish the definition of scientific creationism is the first 11 chapters of Genesis. The proposed concept is simply acceptance of the fundamentalist version of Genesis. Creationists do not support their beliefs by collecting data, collecting also conflicting scientific data, and ultimately reaching a conclusion. Instead, they take literally what is written in Genesis and try to find a scientific support, whether reasonable to the scientific community or not. The theory of evolution t hrough the cycle of data and theories that were before the scientific community for decades. The arguments presented by creationists are not based on new scientific evidence. (Kent, Carolyn and Daily, pp. 108-12) To best understand the theory of evolution, is is helpful to examine a few examples why the scientific decision making process has led scientists to accept the theory of evolution as opposed to scientific creationism. Scientists are attacking a problem by inventing a number of hypotheses educated guesses. They then test these theories to try to refute their own predictions in several independent observations. After making these observations, the scientists abandon or edit changes in their predictions. Due to the fossils available and science proving their origins and ages, scientists have been able to all but prove their theories regarding evolution. Many new scientific theories were coming to light when evolution was first brought to the forefront of modern thinking, but other scientific theories were also very popular at the time that it passed. For example, Newtons theories about gravity was a significant theory that was gaining round at the same time as evolution, and they possi bly gave each other the ability to flourish. Few scientists believe that the theory of evolution explains everything about our creation. Scientists are constantly searching to further their knowledge and expand on the theories they hold, and evolution does not include the source of the universe. The general theory of evolution claims that all life is closely related and has one common ancestor consisting of multiple or single cells. Many processes, including random differences between animals of the same sex, are also caused by the natural selection of successful variations, new forms and numerous amounts of species evolving over time. (Van Wyhe, pp. 11-13) Creationists do not have clearly formulated models of the theory of creation science but the conventional view can be found from a July 1980 summary of the Journal of the Institute for Creation: Acts and Facts. Acts and facts according to the article presented theory is the same as the literal interpretation of Genesis. It is understood that the Institute for Creation science is very clear in this area: The only way we can discover the true age of the earth is God going to tell us himself. Because he told us very clearly in the Bible that it is several thousand years and nothing more is to be discussed. This is supposed to close the book for all the basic questions about the chronology of the Earth. To support it they use a variety of dating methods and processes based on their level of error. For example, many of them use periodic processes that scientists do not find to be supportive of their beliefs. Similarly, events cannot be used to assess periodic age of the earth. Many places on earth show the progression of earth int he layers of soil that have been deposited over time and created fossils. Creationists explain this evidence away as being placed by God to test their faith. Another indication is the presence of radioactive isotopes in rocks. Each of them shows that the earth was created some time ago. But of the 48 isotopes have a half-life of from one thousand to one hundred million years, many have to stay here in large quantities. In samples isolated for thousands of years, only three of these isotopes remained minimal. Because both layers of calcium and radioactive decay are well-known science, you can use them to date fossils and rocks accurately and consistently. For example, FA Olsen studied the sediments 40 million years along the Newark Basin in New Jersey and found a correlation between the isotopic dating and the dates given by record rainfall. He found a substantial link between variations of precipitation resulting in a layer of crusts movement. He found this with cycles of 12,000, 25,000, 44,000, 100,000 and 400,000 years. (Von Sydow, pp. 141-156) This variation can explain the discrepancies discovered between fossils that have been carbon dated to different periods within the same or nearby layers. Creationists use the discrepancies as evidence that science is incorrect, but science again prevails to prove its worth. Conclusion Science is not always perfect and is always changing based on new discoveries. Theories that were once believed in the absolute truth, have now been shown to be false, whereas, the theories that were ridiculed in the past, are discovered to be true later. So what does this mean for us as human beings to interpret the scientific findings and adapt them to our beliefs? We can only follow our hearts and minds, although all people will never agree on what they believe. The creationist theory is wholeheartedly believed by many, while believers of evolution see it as nonsense. As a believer of evolution, it is hard to understand why creationists continue to hold their beliefs beyond the science that seems to prove evolution, but each person will choose their own beliefs and what they perceive to be fact. Work Cited Bowden, Malcolm. Science vs. Evolution. London, England: Sovereign Publications, 1991, pp. 19-24. Campbell, Neil A., Reece, Jane B. and Simon, Eric J. Essential Biology with Physiology. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings, 2007, pp. 36-8 Kent, Allen, Hall, Carolyn M. and Daily, Jay E. Encyclopedia of Library and Information, 2008. Desmond, Adrian; Moore, James. Introduction to the Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. London: Penguin Group, 2006, pp. 108-12 Browne, E. Janet. Charles Darwin Voyaging. London: Jonathan Cape, 1995, pp. 96. Von Sydow, Momme. Darwin A Christian Undermining Christianity? On Self-Undermining Dynamics of Ideas Between Belief and Science. in Knight. David M.; Eddy, Matthew D., Science and Beliefs: From Natural Philosophy to Natural Science, 1700-1900, Burlington: Ashgate, 2005, pp. 141-156 Van Wyhe, John. Darwin: The Story of the Man and His Theories of Evolution. London: Andre Deutsch Ltd, 2007, pp. 11-13. Ospovat, Dov. The Development of Darwins Theory: Natural History, Natural Theology, and Natural Selection 1838-1859. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001, pp. 243-6.

Compare and contrast the roles and relationships of the following Essay

Compare and contrast the roles and relationships of the following pairs of characters: George and Lennie (of Mice and Men) and Holmes and Watson (Sherlock Holmes stories). Compare and contrast the roles and relationships of the following pairs of characters: George and Lennie (of Mice and Men) and Holmes and Watson (Sherlock Holmes stories). Sherlock Holmes stories are short stories, which involve investigating and solving crimes. They include characters such as Sherlock Holmes and Dr James Watson, these are two main characters who are in each short story trying to solve case investigations. Of mice and men is a story in which two friends, Lennie and George are trying to look for a job so that they can for fill their dream to live in a big house in the country and be able to have no worries. The story is set in California during the American depression in the 1920/30's. The Sherlock Holmes stories are set in the late Victorian era when London was at its worst. It was hard work back then because you would have had to work in most terrible conditions, which was very unpleasant. It was also very unhygienic back then because people would chuck their sewage onto the streets, which caused diseases such as scabies, cholera and scurvy. There was a major disease called the Black Death, which wiped out a large majority of people, it was caused by rats and it was very serious. There would have been a lot of over crowding in the towns because the streets were narrow and enclosed by all of the large buildings. There was a poor travel source, there were horses and trains that you could travel on. This caused locomotion and traffic, which made it difficult to travel around. Lennie and George are two migrant... ... Holmes likes Watson's valuable gift of silence. Holmes and Watson speak to each other in an upper-class manor. For example Holmes says to Watson "I would be very much obliged if you would slip your revolver into your pocket". This shows that they speak to each other in a polite manor. Others see Lennie and George as two hardworking men who are very ambitious and passionate towards their dreams. They see Lennie as a "Big baby", who can't control his temper. Others see George as a very protective and courageous man who is very caring. Others see Holmes and Watson as two upper-class typical friends. They see Watson as a quiet man, who is very inquisitive because he wants to know about every thing Holmes does. Others see Holmes as a very knowledgeable and well-respected man, who is excellent at whatever he does. They also see him as a master of disguise.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Religion Essay -- The Catholic Church

Long believed relationships between society’s culture and the ability to sustain a democratic form; have been evaluated over the years. Other cultures or religions have been proven to exhibit more conduciveness of democracy than others. Persistence of democracy within a religion falls under choice of assumptions, actions and costs toward others. As a religious institution, democracy applies also to cultural perspectives. The American Catholic Church could analyze democracy with ongoing tensions as social competitors of power or resources. Seeking the related aspects of Catholicism and democracy, the actions and words of the clergy directly influence political outcomes. The circumstances of the life of modern man have been so profoundly changed in their social and cultural aspects that we can speak of a new age of human history (Gaudiam ET Spes). Linking democracy and Catholicism, accounts for many elements of valued tensions within its religious system. â€Å"By and large. Catholic cultures have not been leaders in discovering and designing the institution of democracy or the protection of human rights but have come rather late to these traditions. Further, Catholic cultures seem on the whole rather more vulnerable to the traditional style of a single person leadership, as in the monarchies of old and in the dictatorships of today. † Churches deal with different states, but more importantly the churches address the potential shape of public opinion on political matters. Networks such as schools, religious orders, trade unions, political parties have made a force in the world of Catholic democracy. The spirit of democracy unleashed by the revolution inspired individuals to become involved. Emerging from this revolution brought forth a ... ...rch as a big ship on the sea, or a toolbox, continuity with Catholics all over, proves within this paradox, you are never alone. Today, the human race is involved in a new stage of history. Profound and rapid changes are spreading by degrees around the whole world. Triggered by the intelligence and creative energies of man, these changes recoil upon him, upon his decisions and desires, both individual and collective, and upon his manner of thinking and acting with respect to things and to people. Hence we can already speak of a true cultural and social transformation, one which has repercussions on man's religious life as well (Gaudium ET Spes). Look at the change over time, what all has happened and the evolution of the church. Reapplied to new situations, it can be said that the church does not change; the church is just refined through changes in the world.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Jews :: essays research papers

Jews "The enemy trapped the Jews in the city by building a wall around it. Foodstuffs could not be brought in: starvation and crowded conditions gave rise to disease, and epidemics spread among the populace. But surprisingly the Jews held on. Then the enemy massed troops outside the wall and brought out the latest in weaponry. They attacked, using fire to spread destruction. The Jews repelled the enemy a number of times. So savage was the resistance that the campaign to destroy the Jewish population took much longer and cost more troops than anticipated. Street by street the fighting raged with hand-to-hand combat between the heavily armed troops and the haggard defenders. Some Jews tried to escape through the sewers, but they were flushed out by fire. At the end the Jews had taken a heavy toll on their enemy but the city lay in smoking ruins. The remaining Jewish survivors were rounded up to be used as slave laborers or to be killed. What episode in Jewish history is depicted in this scenario? Most people would say this was the Warsaw Ghetto uprising against the Nazis in 1943. But in fact it was the Roman destruction of Jerusalem and the Second Temple in the year 70 The destruction of the Second temple and the attack on the Warsaw Ghetto, although separated by nearly two thousand years have and eerie sameness. The Germans sealed off the Warsaw's Jewish population with and eight-foot brick concrete wall. The Romans built a high earthen barricade around Jerusalem to make certain the Jews could not escape. Germans shot, on the spot Jews discovered outside the Warsaw Ghetto. The Romans crucified the Jews they found, placing crosses atop the hill to terrorize those watching from inside the city: as many as 500 were crucified in 1 day. The Germans tried to starve the Polish Jews into submission reducing their rations at first to 800 calories a day and later cutting off all food to the ghetto. The Romans used the tactic of siege to bring starvation in Jerusalem. In both episodes the actual fighting was in some ways similar. "Since the ghetto was impenetrable in frontal attack, General Stroop's forces set fire to the buildings with incendiary bombs and flame throwers" Titus's Roman legions used flaming torches of wood to set fire to the Temple and other buildings in the final battle. "Through the roar of the flames as they [the Romans] swept relentlessly on could be heard the groans of the falling†¦ the entire city seemed to be on fire. The Nazis not only killed but plundered Jews if their possessions; the Romans

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Introductory Awareness of Sensory Loss Essay

There are a range of factors, both negative and positive that can occur with an individual with sensory loss. A positive factor can be that the individual will gain a lot of support to help them deal with their sensory loss and how they will be able to move forward. Negative factors are that the individual won’t be able to perform activities they may have been able to do so in the past, for example general duties around the house or performing hobbies they enjoy etc. Steps that can be taken to overcome factors that have a negative impact on an individual with a sensory loss are things such as aids to help them adjust with their sensory loss, for example a hearing aid for an individual with hearing loss, a walking aid for someone with a sight loss. Individuals with a sensory loss can be disabled by attitudes and beliefs as people assume because they have a sensory loss they should be treated differently. For example an individual with a hearing loss, people will assume they nee d to shout so this individual can hear them when as a fact they are able to lip read etc. To overcome disabling attitudes and beliefs is to basically educate the individual about sensory loss. Read more: Identify the main causes of sensory loss essay Outcome 2: Understand the importance of effective communication for individuals with sensory loss When communicating with an individual with a sight loss, people need to consider how much if any that the individual can see. Once this is established then they will know the best way to communicate with the individual whether this be with talking to the individual or using touch. Also the same with an individual with a hearing loss, whether they need to use pictures as the individual may not hear at all, or to use a loud tone of voice but making sure they are not shouting at the individual. When communicating with an individual with deafblindness, people need to consider that the individual hasn’t got what most people use to communicate with. There are ways around this as these individuals learn to communicate with their other senses such as touch and smell. Effective communication can have a positive impact on lives of individuals with sensory loss as they will feel they are able to communicate with others, as they will have aids or ways of being able to communicate. Also if the individual is becoming ill they will be able to communicate with someone to tell them what is wrong. The individual may also become happier within themselves as they are able to communicate. Information can be made accessible to an individual with a sensory loss as there are different aids available, such as audio books for those individuals with a sensory loss. Individuals with a hearing loss may be able to read, also Braille is available to use, and this may be used by an individual with both a hearing and sight loss. Outcome 3: Know the main causes and conditions of sensory loss The main causes of sensory loss can be due to old age, as some older people can become hard of hearing. Also cataracts can be a cause of sight loss along with old age. Another cause could be that the individual has a medical issue which has caused them to have a sensory loss, such as being born with a number of problems which can cause a sensory loss. The difference between congenital and acquired sensory loss is that congenital sensory loss is when an individual is born with a sensory loss whereas acquired sensory loss has developed as a result of ageing, serious injury or illness. 45% of the general public is likely to have a sensory loss. Outcome 4: know how to recognise when an individual may be experiencing sight and/or hearing loss Indicators and signs of: Sight loss: bumping into things when walking, falling over a lot. Sitting too close to the TV, when reading having the book or newspaper too close to the face. Hearing loss: having the TV on a loud volume, getting people to repeat themselves because they have not heard. Deafblindness: all of the above listed. Additional advice and support of sensory loss can be sourced from the individuals GP. There are also charities out there that offer support to individuals with sensory loss. Outcome 5: know how to report concerns about sensory loss When concerns arise that an individual may have a sight and/or hearing loss we report them to our office to report our concerns, also maybe express them to the individual’s family that we have concerns.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Noli Me Tangere Essay

Many Filipinos will recognize the Latin phrase â€Å"Noli me Tangere† as the title of Jose Rizal’s first novel, rather than as a biblical line from the gospel of St. John (20:17). In English, it is usually rendered as â€Å"Touch me not. † This was what the risen Jesus told the startled Mary Magdalene when she tried to approach him after he had called her name. The meaning of this utterance has been the subject of much dispute, not least because it appears only in John and not in the other gospels. When later he appeared before his disciples, Jesus invited the doubting Thomas to touch his wounds. Yet he would not allow Mary, whose faith needed no confirmation, to hold him. Why? Was it because she was a woman and not one of the original disciples, and therefore unworthy of being the first witness to Jesus’ triumph over death? Or was it because â€Å"Noli me Tangere† meant something else other than â€Å"do not touch me†? Curiously, Rizal’s particular use of this phrase as the title of his novel might give us a better understanding of its meaning. I remember as a child asking my father what â€Å"Noli me Tangere† meant. He had come home one day with a freshly printed hardbound edition of Charles Derbyshire’s translation titled â€Å"The social cancer. † Proudly, he presented it to me as if it was the most precious book in the world, enunciating every syllable in that enchanting phrase â€Å"Noli me Tangere. † He uttered it as if it was a magical incantation. â€Å"What language is that? † I asked him. â€Å"Latin for ‘touch me not’,† he replied. What’s that got to do with cancer, I pressed, pointing to the English title of the book. He answered: â€Å"The cancer of our society in Rizal’s time was already so advanced that no doctor would touch it anymore. That perspective stayed with me throughout my first early reading of the Noli. My father clearly took the cancer analogy from Rizal’s own prefatory dedication, â€Å"To my country. † In it, Rizal had written: â€Å"Recorded in the history of human suffering are cancers of such malignant character that even minor contact aggravates them, engendering overwhelming pain†¦. Therefore, because I desire your good health†¦ I will do with you what the ancients did with their infirmed: they placed them on the steps of their temples so that each in his own way could invoke a divinity that might offer a cure. †

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Health Care Museum Essay

Development Description Analysis (How does the development affect the current U.S. health care system?) 1. Surgery A surgical procedure is medical treatment that involves a physician cutting into a patient’s body to repair or remove something. Surgery procedures have existed since prehistoric man. In 1540 C.E. barbers and surgeons united to form The United Barber-Surgeons Company. These barber-surgeons performed tooth extractions and bloodletting procedures. As our knowledge grows, so do our abilities. Some procedures such as tracheostomy, described in detail by Paul of Aegina (625-690 AD), remain pertinent today while others which contributed to the demise of many patients (e.g. bloodletting) were surprisingly slow to disappear (Hindle, K. S., & Hindle, S. J., 2001). Surgeries save many lives. Today surgeries are used for replacements and transplants. Elective non-life threatening surgeries are performed quite commonly now. Microsurgery uses small incisions to minimize exposure and reduce the impact of the procedure all together. There is also cosmetic surgery which is usually elective an d not medically necessary. With today’s surgical practices the body can be manipulated in many ways with minimal effect. 2. Technology Technology is the creation and usage of tools for achieving goals. In health care, technology is used for information purposes, to teach, and heal. We have computers that keep track of medical records. We have machines that can see through the human body. There are sensors that can collect data from a patient and transmit it wirelessly to a physician. There are even machines that aid physicians during surgery. Technology completely affects health care. It has allowed patients and doctors to stay connected better than ever. Telecommunications provide health care workers with the ability to  communicate with each other all around the world. Technology has allowed for easier storage and access to medical information. Health care workers can locate a patient’s information with the click of a button. Patients can go online and access a plethora of health information. Technology also enables us to view the body in new ways (CAT scan, x-rays). Robotics allow physicians to perform s urgeries in places where they cannot be via remote link. 3. Child Birth Beginning back in the Renaissance era barber-surgeons provide child birth services. Much later in 1716 midwives were given the ability to obtain licenses and help women through labor. Shortly after the war of 1812 medical schools began teaching birthing techniques to physicians. By the 1900’s physicians attended approximately half of the nation’s births. Child birthing at hospitals performed by physicians are much safer than the â€Å"home births† of yester years. With hospitals the patient’s area is always clean and sterile. This reduces risk for the mother and child. With physicians as the primary deliverer, complications can be handled sooner and adequately. These techniques have allowed the safe birthing of millions. This protects are future generations by keeping them safe. 4. Vaccines As the United States grew toward independence in the 1700’s, public health efforts also grew. In 1796 Dr. Edward Jenner created and tested the first vaccine (Henderson, D. A., 1997). After word of the discovery two London doctors confirmed Jenner’s findings and began wide distribution. Within 3 years the information was translated into 4 different languages and spread across 4 continents. The success of vaccines has led to a situation where many health care providers and parents have not witnessed the morbidity and mortality of the diseases for which these agents are indicated (Ruddock, B., & Malak, K., 2005). Vaccines offer protection from numerous disease. Without vaccines illness would be far more rampant. 5. Medicare In 1965 President Johnson signed into law the Medicare program. Medicare provides medical access for citizens 65 and older who cannot afford care themselves. Over time the coverage has expanded to include disabled citizens  and those with end stage renal disease. Medicare gives medical access to many people who would not have it otherwise. Medicare is the government’s first program associated with public health insurance. Since then the U.S. has seen Medicaid and now recently the Affordable Care Act. Essentially, these are government programs designed to ensure care for citizens. These programs expand health care. As more people are able to have health coverage, more health care services become needed. While these programs provide protection they also stimulate growth within the medical field. Part 2 How does everything connect? Write up a comprehensive overview of how these events evolved into each other. First on my list is surgery. While child birth has been around since the dawn of man, modern birthing practices did not come into effect until the 1800’s. Surgical procedures on the other hand, have been dated back to 6500 hundred years before common era (BCE). Skulls found in France show signs of a rudimentary surgery called trepanation, which involves drilling a hole in the skull. (Heisler. J., 2014). Surgery has been a major health tool for a very long time and we are still improving upon it today. Technology comes second on the list because ever since man realized he could manipulate the body, tools have been needed to do so. Even the skulls in France required some sort of tool to drill the hole. Of course technology goes beyond simple tools. Technology encompasses numerous devices each with their own unique quality. Technology expands our capabilities and allows us to do things we simply could not do ourselves. Technology also improves child birthing techniques. Thanks to sonograms physicians can see babies inside of the womb. This gives them great insight into the condition and development of the child in the womb. Before technology such as this, parents had to wait till the day of birth before they knew anything about the child. Next on the list are vaccines. While child birth did not directly influence the invention of vaccines, technology in fact did. Without the tools to collect and hold specimens, Jenner would never have been able to conduct his research. Additionally, vaccines have improved the health status of everyone  including children. Thanks to vaccines, children (and ultimately the population) no longer have to worry about Polio and other various viruses. Most required vaccines are given to children during their developing years. This protect the child through their entire life. Last of the developments is Medicare. Vaccines didn’t directly lead to Medicare, however all other developments did. With surgical procedures, technology, vaccines, and better child birthing practices, more people are able to live longer lives. As the population’s life expectancy increases, so does the need for care in all facets of life. Programs like Medicare protect the elderly by providing health care for those who could not afford it on their own. Essentially, social policies eventually become important for societies that can provide health care. Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act are necessary social devices that protect U.S. citizens. References Austin, A., & Wetle, V. (2012). The United States health care system: Combining business, health, and delivery. (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Lemelson-MIT. (2003, April). Louis Pasteur. Retrieved from Henderson, D. A. (1997). Edward Jenner’s vaccine. Public Health Reports, 112(2), 116-21. Retrieved from Ruddock, B., & Malak, K. (2005). Sorting out risks, benefits of vaccine. Canadian Pharmacists Journal, 138(5), 59-60. Retrieved from Hindle, K. S., & Hindle, S. J. (2001). A history of surgery. Royal Society of Medicine (Great Britain).Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 94(8), 423. Retrieved from Heisler. J. (2014). The Evolution of Surgery. Retrieved from

Major Changes In The Way Sociologists Have Understood Religion During The 20th Century

The word religion is derived from the Latin noun religio, which denotes both earnest observances of ritual obligations and an inward spirit of reverence. In modern usage, religion covers a wide spectrum of meanings that reflect the enormous variety of ways the term can be interpreted. Religion in this understanding includes a complex of activities that cannot be reduced to any single aspect of human experience. It is a part of individual life but also of group dynamics. Religion is a sacred engagement with that which is believed to be a spiritual reality.Religion is a worldwide phenomenon that has played a part in all human culture and is so much broader, more complex category than the set of beliefs or practices found in any single religious tradition. An adequate understanding of religion must take into account its distinctive qualities and patterns as a form of human experience, as well as the similarities and differences in religion across human cultures. According to antiquity o f religious study, the first Western attempts to understand and document religious phenomena were made by the Greeks and the Romans.As early as the 6th century BC, Greek philosopher Xenophanes noted that different cultures visualized the gods in different ways. In the following century, Greek historian Herodotus recorded the wide range of religious practices he encountered in his travels, comparing the religious observances of various cultures, such as sacrifice and worship, with their Greek equivalents. Roman historians Julius Caesar and Cornelius Tacitus similarly recorded the rites and customs of peoples that they met on their military campaigns. By the end of the 19th century, scholars were making religion an object of systematic inquiry.German scholar, Friedrich Max Miller’s comparative approach, that every religion possessed some measure of truth, was adopted in many European and Japanese universities. In addition, field anthropologists had begun to compile firsthand ac counts of the religions of people who previously had been dismissed as savages. The study of tribal religions contributed a great deal to the general analysis of the role of religion in human societies. By the late 19th and early 20th centuries, scholars had begun to pose basic questions about the origin and development of religious ideas.Scholars questioned how religion began and the stages of its evolution. Some maintained that it originated with animism (belief in spirits), then evolved into the notion that there were many gods (polytheism), and ultimately emerged as the ideal of a single god (monotheism). Others held that religion began in a sense of awe at the impressive activities of nature, in a feeling of reverence for the spirits of the dead, or in an attempt to overcome mortality. Many other important questions about the nature of religion were addressed during this period: Can religion be divided into so-called primitive and higher types?Is religion a product of psycholog ical needs and projections? Is it a function of political and social control? Such questions have continued to generate a large number of theories. Romanian scholar Mircea Eliade, who taught at the University of Chicago from 1957 to 1985, emphasized that religious people experience the ordinary world differently from non-religious people because they view it as a sacred place. In Eliade’s view, believing in the divine foundations of life, transforms the significance of natural objects and activities.He believed that for the homo religious (Latin for â€Å"religious man,† a term used by Eliade to designate a person who lives according to a religious worldview), time, space, the earth, the sky, and the human body can all come to have a symbolic, religious meaning. Like Rudolf Otto, Eliade held that the study of religion must not reduce to something merely social or psychological, but must take seriously the idea that in the believer’s world the experience of sacre dness defines a distinctive reality. Modernity has posed acute challenges to traditional religions.In the 1906s membership in mainstream Christian denominations began to decline, and candidates for the priesthood were less numerous. For a large number of people in modern societies, religion is neither good nor bad but simply irrelevant, given the many alternative ways to find meaning in various forms of cultural pursuits, ethical ideals, and lifestyles. These challenges to religion are partly a result of the prestige of science. The sciences describe a universe without reference to deities, the soul, or spiritual meaning.In addition, critical studies of biblical history have demonstrated that the Bible is not unique among ancient religious and historical documents. For example, the biblical stories of the Garden of Eden and the Deluge (universal flood) are common to other ancient Middle Eastern religions. Other factors that have contributed to a decline in religious participation in the 20th century include the presentation of religion as a prescientific form of superstitious thinking, as a source of political control and divisiveness, as a confirmation of established patriarchal values, or as an emotional crutch.In addition, many families are no longer able to maintain stable religious traditions because they are disconnected from traditional, supportive religions or as a result of mixed or nonreligious marriages. Another influence has been the loss of community and social commitment that has followed in the wake of increased mobility. Frequent changes of location can result in a sense of impermanence or instability. This is particularly true of a move from town to city, which often results in the loss of stable community structure.Social uprooting can lead to religious uprooting because religious affiliation is closely related to social ties. Evangelicalism in its various forms, including fundamentalism, offers a different response to modernity. Conservative movements, which have appeared internationally in every major religious tradition, have gained vitality by protesting what they see as the conspicuous absence of moral values in secular society. In times of anxiety and uncertainty, such movements present scripture as a source of doctrinal certainty and of moral absolutes.Against the secularism of the day, evangelical movements have succeeded in creating their own alternative cultures and have acquired considerable political influence. For all its challenges to the traditional religious identity, modernity has at the same time created new spiritual opportunities. Thousands of new religious movements emerged in the 20th century, offering alternative forms of community to people otherwise removed from past associations and disenchanted with modern values.Collectively, these new religions offer a large number of options, and addressing virtually every conceivable type of spiritual need. In a sense, modernity has created needs and probl ems for which new movements are able to present them as solutions. Some offer ethnic revitalization; others, techniques of mediation and self-improvement; and still others, have the power of alternative or spiritual forms of healing. Buddhist- and Hindu-derived movements continue to have considerable followings among Westerners searching for truths beyond Judeo-Christian tradition.Further, in a world where home life has become less stable, an international movement such as the Unification Church emphasizes the holiness and divine restoration of the institution of the family. Currently, one of the most rapidly growing religious movements is Pentecostalism, which takes its name from the festival day when the first Christian community felt the power of the Holy Spirit pour out on them. Pentecostalism’s grass roots services provide direct, ecstatic spiritual experiences.A quite different but also widespread form of spirituality is that of the so-called New Age Movement, which off ers individuals the opportunity to reconnect with mystical dimensions of the self and thus with the wider cosmos-relationships that are typically obscured by secular culture and often are not addressed in biblical traditions. In summary, there have been many changes in the way religion is viewed in the 20th century, in all aspects of sociological templates, that is, historical, structural, cultural, and critical aspects.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

A Unique and Meaningful Life

Unique and meaningful life Unique and meaningful life is compatible with the concept of review framework for ethical actors. To defend this claim, I support Barbara Herman's Kant's debate about moral obligations. The rationale for responsibility is the fact that agents recognize and consider in the ethical review process and they are some facts, since they define the characteristics of our (rational) rational nature so moral meaning It is defined by the CI program (318). [1] The reason is guidance rather than performance reason To seek meaningful links in life is a congenital emotional motive, a distinctive human nature. That is another ability specific to humans - language - is expressed in a complex way, the ability to interpret and manipulate symbols. In many ways, life is a lifelong process of communicating your story, filling in details, explaining what it means, and reinterpretting. In addition to capturing these meanings, this practice is an opportunity to investigate your rel ationships, your self, your life, your past, and your thoughts, emotions, needs, passions, desires, etc. wait. But to free your mind from the old story, but you need courage to stand in the truth of the highest hope you want. It is not necessarily unique to make life worthwhile or make it meaningful. Lan Dao believes that believing that this particularity is related to meaning is another mistake made by many people. He believes that this misunderstanding misses ways to think their lives are unnecessarily meaningful and improves the meaning of life. This may be embarrassing, but very few people are wonderful. Philosopher Richard Taylor argues that in the book Good and Evil published in 1970, doing hard work and accomplishing does not make life important. Because we live, life is essential Theodore Roosevelt stated that the most remarkable thing is the opportunity to work hard. You can enrich your life with meaningful work, but what is creative work worth doing? Even if you are unique and superior to your work, ask yourself if your actual production makes sense. I am a unique supporter, but creativity is not worth it unless it has a significant or positive impact on people's lives. After all, there is a meaningful idea that you can do this. Over time, your creative journey will be more fulfilling

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The art of one-on-one interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The art of one-on-one interview - Essay Example Roy J. Blitzer points out that the traditional mode of interview, i.e. one-on-one interview is most popular (Blitzer 148). First of all, the interviewees answer makes clear that a child does like to have pets, especially dogs. Most of the people remember their first job, but some of them do not like to reveal their first payment. Similar to other youngsters, my friend likes to read books, gardening, swimming, and working out. The interviewee is aware of American history and admires the dedication shown by the famous people. Similar to other youngsters, the interview likes science fiction films like Avatar. The interviewee is with strong will power because he does not like to do things which he does not like. The interviewee is proud of his sense of humor because it helps him to be successful in his life. The interviewee was able to achieve his short term goal and is working hard to achieve his long term goal. Similar to other MJ (Michel Jackson) fans, the interviewee made clear that he would like to meet him (if he was able to do so). The interviewee considers that the most embarrassing moment in his life was the day in which he was away from his friends. This proves that he is so social and attached to his friends in general.