Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Exploration of The Cultural Challenges that French Companies Face in Essay

Exploration of The Cultural Challenges that French Companies Face in Attempts to Penetrate the Italian Market - Essay Example This study tackles significant considerations of the unique characteristics that the French and the Italian markets respectively have, the latter being the new one to be explored and developed. Such process is very necessary in order to determine what effective sales approaches have to be applied in the Italian market. An existing and working marketing scheme in France may not be viable or practicable in Italy. The advertising concepts and drives used by the company in France may not gain acceptance from the people of Italy. The This research study is limited to the presentation and exploration of the cultural issues in international marketing within the selected focus setting and in concept, theory and exemplifying scenarios. The research will be exhaustive in its conceptual thrust as well as in the material used to substantiate presented arguments, claims, points, ideas and perspectives among other positions. The core objective of this study is to illustrate my skills in the domains of marketing and cross-culture communication as a way of soliciting for related career opportunities in the U.S.A, Italy or in any English-speaking country. This study has been made in order to be read and understood by American audience. The endeavor is in tandem with the skills acquired during my course majoring in "international trade and marketing" at ESC Chambery Business School and the MBA pursued at the BMU.

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