Sunday, November 3, 2019

Explain how oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported by the blood Assignment

Explain how oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported by the blood - Assignment Example The process of oxygen transportation by the blood involves transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the cells that need the oxygen for physiological and biological processes. The major factor in the oxygen transfer is the concentration gradient between blood and the two cites. The respiratory system inhales blood that is reach in oxygen and induces oxygen concentration gradient between the lung and the blood system. Oxygen then diffuses into the blood system for transportation through the system’s network that reaches all body cells. Many non-physical factors however facilitate the process that would otherwise be too slow to meet the need for oxygen. Physical transfer in which oxygen dissolves in the blood’s plasma only transport a limited amount of oxygen in the body, while the major transportation is aided by haemoglobin. Further, the level of oxygen that is transported through the chemical is a factor of â€Å"concentration of haemoglobin in the blood,† proportion of haemoglobin that is bound to oxygen and the chemical’s affinity to oxygen. The level of diffused oxygen into the blood is further a non-linear factor of oxygen concentration with a reducing gradient as oxygen concentration increases up to an optimal level at which the diffusion rate stabilizes. Oxygenated blood is then transported through the circulatory system whose extensive network connects to all body cells and organs. The cells have low oxygen concentration and this facilitates the transfer of oxygen into cells across cell membranes. Dissociation of oxygen from blood’s haemoglobin is however also influenced by factors such as presence of carbon monoxide, concentration of hydrogen ions, and temperature among other biological conditions such as anaemia (Porth 2010; Tortora and Derrickson 2009). The blood also transports carbon dioxide from cells to the lungs. The transfer occurs in three forms in which carbon dioxide diffuses from cells into

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