Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Three common physiological disorders manifested in developing Coursework

Three common physiological disorders manifested in developing countries - Coursework Example The most common physiological disorders manifested in developing countries include diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure) and Alzheimer’s disease. High blood pressure is often regarded as silent killer due to its significant risk for causing heart attacks. Similarly, diabetes caused by increased content of sugars in blood and Alzheimer’s disease caused by mental disorders such as loss of memory affect human health on a wide scale. The rapid rise of casualties due to these chronic or so-called non-communicable diseases has surpassed casualties due to other diseases in the people of developing countries and has been listed by Geneva-based World Health Organization (WHO) in their report on global health, to be cured properly and on urgent basis. Diabetes, one of the prominent metabolic syndrome, occurs when level of glucose (sugars) in blood gets increased (Haslam and James, 2005) either due to inadequate production of insulin or inability of body to respond to insulin and even sometimes, due to combination of both factors. The common treatments available to cure for this disease include treatment with insulin in order to control blood sugars along with increased physical activities and stringent control on diet and weight. The intake of a balanced and nutritious diet that is low in fat,  cholesterol, and simple sugars may be quite helpful in regulating levels of blood sugars. Diabetes can be monitored by checking blood glucose levels on daily basis. It can be screened in patient due to its easy recognizable symptoms such as  frequent urination, intense thirst and hunger, weight gain, injuries that do not heal, tingling in hands and feet, male sexual dysfunction and fatigue. Diabetes is closely linked to increase in obe sity which may further lead to several cardiovascular diseases. During diabetes, the glycosylation (addition of sugars) of some advanced

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